Thursday, December 13, 2012


I just read this: "A submissive female is the reflection of her Master in her actions."

The statement struck me as a truth. It is possible that you disagree. Let me lay out my reasoning, and however it may worm around in the chaotic mess that is my mind lately, I will do my level best to make it clear and understandable, rather than some wandering blather that goes everywhere and nowhere at once!

Thinking back to the TSR website, many of my memories concern "trolls." Trolls were the main reason W/we did not post there, Master and I. One troll in particular couldn't keep her stories straight, yet time and again after being called out she continued to post and sling insults at everyone. If the post began to divert course from giving her attention, guess what? You bet she posted again, intentionally dragging attention back to herself. Many lambasted her on how her words reflected her master's lack of control, to which she responded that he did not care what she said on there.

---- It is commonly said that action speaks louder than words.  ----
W/we saw that the continued ACTIONS of her posting to divert attention to herself, to deliberately lie to others, and to speak as if she were better than everyone, downsizing everyone who disagreed with her... those actions reflect a complete lack of self-control. It is my humble opinion that if a slave has such lack of self-control, that said slave would be refused the permission to post by any true Dominant to whom that slave belonged. This is merely this girl's opinion, however, not necessarily a worldwide reality!

My Feelings On That Girls Actions & Words:
I ... am... dumbstruck by such idiocy. How could any good slave possibly be willing to flat out lie on their posts, let alone treat others so disrespectfully, and their Dominant would allow such behavior? First, let me tell you that I do not now, nor did I ever, believe she was truly in a D/s relationship in any way. The idiocy of her statements simply gives away what she really was and probably still is... she is a liar, a compulsive attention whore. That is all. If she truly is in a D/s relationship, I sure don't understand it. She tops from the bottom, is a self-proclaimed brat. My Master would never have her. A good many masters & mistresses on TSR stated the same. As a matter of fact, it was within just a month's time of her first posts that my Master disliked her intensely, though at the time she seemed on very good behavior. Boy, can HE make excellent predictions! Master has excellent insight on both situations and people. There are many good reasons I call Him "The General!"

***  For Later Discussion with Master:
Now in writing this, my dislike for the troll's actions and words is revealed. And yet, because I write it down, I feel I am judgmental in writing such things. Where the troll was so judgmental of others, so I am judging her now. Does this make me a bad slave? Does it mean I misrepresent my Master? I shall have to ask my Master.

On Representation and Reality:
In my opinion, yes, a slave's actions and words do indeed represent their master. A slave represents their master in thought and deed. Our thoughts become our words, our words become our actions. Do not confuse an adult with a child, however. A child that may be reared properly and still become a serial killer; a child is an unfinished human in terms of development, without true consenting ability and without a true idea of actions and consequence. Only adults can consent to such a thing as slavery and full submission with a full understanding of action and consequence, right from wrong. Perhaps if a slave is mouthy and hateful toward others, it may show that his/her dominant takes pleasure in seeing the slave become "top slave" and verbally dominate other slaves on the rise to the top of the slave "pecking order." There was such a case on TSR; this was a completely separate couple than "troll girl."

My idea of right and wrong on part of a slave's actions is not necessarily reality for all slaves and all dominants. As stated, one master took pleasure in seeing his girl verbally abuse other slaves in her naturally dominant attitude, taking pleasure in watching her rise to the top of the slave pile in TSR. He enjoyed seeing her put fear into others, stating he had no care at all for other slaves, only caring for her, and that she pleased him as she became an alpha submissive amongst a group of submissives. He did not deem what she did or said as bad behavior (though my Master certainly would) and it seemed that she could do no wrong amongst the other slaves or dominants because she had the absolute backing of her master in his own clearly written words on the site. Nevertheless, I felt her behavior & words absolutely showed her master's belief that he himself was better than other people in general. He did act that way, as if the rest of us were all pawns to the game of his majesty, the master of his lofty submissive.

The Golden Rule:
We are taught as children (hopefully!) that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us, meaning to treat and speak to others the way we wish to be treated and spoken to ourselves. Perhaps there are folks out there who prefer to be walked on, I am not such a one. I am, on occasion, verbally aggressive and protective when there is an underdog, when there is a cause, when there is something that I feel needs to be said in a world inhabited by bigots. I am in my 40's now. I am not at all concerned with how the people of the world think of me. I am, however, VERY concerned with how my Master thinks of me. I am VERY concerned with how I represent my Master, that I should do so in a way that he finds pleasing. Ahhhh! Paradox!

Until He is here, it is a mystery to me how I am to continue to be myself (charging forward with sword and shield, erm... pen and paper...) and still please my Master. Once He is here, this girl is positive that He will make it all clear, completely... utterly... clear.

I do hope He is patient. It may be very difficult for me to change nearly 30 years of behavior. Tried telling him that last night, as a matter of fact... hahahaha. Of course He did not budge in his statement. I am to learn to control a particular behavior. But that is a discussion for another day. Until then, and through to the end, this girl will do her level best to represent her Master in the best possible light by using her words well if and when He wishes for her to speak... and by her actions, in keeping her actions positive and kindly.

I believe that my Master wishes for me to represent Him in this way. Anything else will be, of course, summarily corrected!

Je t'aime mon Maître Adoré.