Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 Things I Always Wanted To Do But Kept Putting Off.

List 5 things you have always wanted to accomplish but it never seems to be the right time/place. Which of the items you listed do you think you will get to do?

1. Have a real garden.
2. Skydive & hang-glide.
3. Get my pilot's license.
4. Rock climbing.
5. Visit other countries.

Gardening. I don't know why I haven't accomplished having a garden yet. I actually bought some plants this year and they still sit in my garage, dying. We live in a rabbit infested area and the best way to have a garden is to dig down a few feet, lay a couple layers of tight chicken wire, backfill with really nice garden compost & soil, make sure the chicken wire comes up out of the ground to form a tight fence rabbits & deer can't get into, and have a little gate. It could be covered when it gets too hot and insulated with straw bales when it gets too cold. Ideally it would have an irrigation system with a timer in place so that if I forgot, everything wouldn't die. ---- so with two acres why hasn't it gotten done? Because of the work, the time, the energy involved. I swore I'd do it and when I think about it, when I was married before, I knew he would help, but he would take shortcuts. (Think, no chicken wire underneath, probably no fence, no digging out and backfilling - just some compost mixed in.) I'm the one who laid the newest sections of dripline so that was completely out with him. Now I feel like I don't have long terms of energy nor focus to do this. Depression is a bitch and it's running my life right now. Grrr! I'll get there! I WILL have a garden!

Skydiving, well landing on that ankle with these knees is definitely a bad idea. Hang gliding, same thing. "Nope, ain't happening" is the answer here.

Pilot's license - hahahahahaaaaaa *sound dies into silence* Realistically, this is so expensive that with my limited income I am better off just not worrying about it. I've never made quite enough money to go after this and by now, hell I just don't know if I care anymore. I'm terrified to ride a motorcycle at this point, I'll have to really delve into my feelings to see if it's still a real desire. I'd say that this is probably not going to happen anytime soon, if ever.

Rock climbing rates right up there with "What the hell was I thinking?" because while I wouldn't technically land on where my ankle goes all wrong, I'm thinking that reality states my body is old enough that it would take A LOT to get strong enough to do this. I'm overweight but that can come off. I never had the upper body strength to do this. I would REALLY have to work hard to get it and I'm not sure it's all that important. Mainly because it's not all that interesting anymore (I've moved past the "OMG I gotta do that!" phase) and besides, Master is going to mold my body into the shape most pleasing to him. From what I've seen of those rock climber girls, they're all athletic muscle and that's not what Master really wants from me. Meh. I think this is a "no go" because I don't think it is very realistic.

Visit other countries. Ok I admit I've been to Tijuana, Mexico, and Montreal, Quebec in Canada. Those visits were awesome (though my preference certainly runs to Montreal because the company I kept is the most awesome and fantastic personal guide ever and no you can't have him, he's mine.) But I'd like to see Costa Rica. I'd like to see the way the jutting rock landscape in China. If there wasn't a bunch of war going on, I'd say that Egypt would be neat. France? Definitely. Africa? Mmmmm meh. I dunno about that. Again, war-torn, not to mention hot. Scotland? Yeah. Ireland? Yeah. Iceland? Yeah before it is underwater.

There are some places here in my own country I'd like to see: New Orleans, New York, Four-Corners and some Indian ruins in Colorado. I'd like to see Glen Canyon Dam before there's no water left in the lake. It would be nice to see the north side of the Grand Canyon. And MAYBE Sturgis someday. MAYBE. The motorcycle thing seems to have gotten out of my system. I'm sure I can't think of other places that should be on this list.

There are certainly some places I'd like to revisit: the entire coast of California on Highway 1, Big Sur area, Redwood Forest, San Francisco, San Diego; Arizona's saguaro forests and one more International Arabian Horse Show in Scottsdale (just to break my heart again); The Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo, Texas; the granite faces of the Presidents carved in rock in the Dakotas followed by a trip to the Canada to see if the Canadians have finally gotten with the program to carve the Presidential asses on their side; the Grand Canyon. Indiana's fall landscape is breathtaking. Virginia's haunted feel with elegant yet abandoned antebellum houses with their big white columns reminding us of the slave era, as well as unkempt graveyards that suddenly loom up from the kudzu vine as if the vine itself is loathe to grow there. Tennessee and Arkansas are oddities themselves, going from interstate floating in lakes full of trees growing up out of the water all the way up into the Smokey Mountain range with pecan trees growing wild. (And then there are the road signs that totally crack me up and the 100 foot tall crosses lit up at night that remind us all of the real insanity thriving like a heartbeat to remind us of the pervasive & overpowering Christianity in the region.)

Oh my goodness. I wrote a book. I guess I'll be gardening when Master gets here and get rid of the weeds, fix the lawn, redo the rock garden (and basic landscape) and then I can count on us going to other countries. As a matter of fact, I think it would be best if we left this one permanently because if he gets back out, it may take forever to get him back in!!!!!

I love You, Sir.