Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting Started

I had not intended to start this blog tonight, and yet here I am.Not even really sure where to start haha! Blogging has its perks I am sure; however, it seems that perhaps I more enjoy reading them than writing them (especially with an audience, whence comes indecision and a few insecurities

To break the ice, I shall start with places to shop:
If I were to start with witchery supplies then I would direct you to the following:
Besoms - Broomchick on Etsy ---

Ideas: smudge fans -

Anything of wicca or pagan origin that you need really quickly -

There are oodles of really neat places & links for both witchery & BDSM and I'm sure you are thinking, "What a really strange combination!" Just bear with me as I eke my way along this new ragged path.

I love energy work, calling the wind, the peace within my servitude to my Master, herbal healing and the darkness within us all. I recently met my Spirit Animal and oddly enough it is a nameless white tiger - literally faceless with a skull in place of a regular head. The thing glowed with an ethereal light!

OK. I think that's enough for starting... This is vague, disjointed, jumping around and I am a bit disconcerted at my nervousness!

At any rate, this isn't much, but it will do for now. *wink*