Sunday, September 18, 2011


I love autumn. There is something about the dying days of summer that just suck the life out of me, but as soon as the air turns cooler, even the crisp dry grass doesn't phase me anymore! I'm out dancing in the rain - oh wait... that's monsoon season here. Which means water under my house. (I checked this morning and indeed, there was MUD!)

But I digress. What was I saying? Oh yes. Autumn. I love the changing of the seasons, ALL of them. I love every single one of them, winter included.  Fall has something special though... perhaps it's the colors?

Or perhaps it's the cool air? The nights get chilly and my air conditioner doesn't have to stay on all night. I can just open windows and already I'm having to close them around midnight or else we get too cold. So nice!

There is something else too, in that fall sabbats are my favorite! Mabon! And Samhain! Dia de los Muertos! I'm so excited!

I haven't quite decided what to be for Samhain this year. I'm tired of being a vampire. It's a great costume idea, but everyone's been seeing me in a vampire costume for 15 years. That's a LONG LONG TIME. O_O
So the ideas are: A witch? (hahaha, but good witch or bad witch and as yet I do not have a proper black hat)
A slave? (Master's suggestion, but it's a dead giveaway, no thanks! Small towns suck for that!)
Last but not least, I would like to try out a sugar skull face decoration, for Samhain, not Dia de los Muertos (I doubt very much I'd get away with it at work for long). Sugar skull face. Yup. Very cool and I like it! Check it out...

Yup. I love that. There are lots of sugar skull face decoration ideas too. Ahhhh Catalina...

However you look at it, the death of summer is not such a bad thing. The sabbats remind us of the wheel of life, the ever changing seasons, death being part of the cycle. So here is to the death of summer, the end of the year, Mabon, Samhain, Dia de los Muertos and the beginning of the cycle once again!

Monday, September 5, 2011

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

I've gotta say it. The past few months have felt like I'm sitting in the penalty box at a hockey game. (Complete with bloody nose, blacked eye, and all the trappings that come with a good hockey game!) No, I don't have any of those, at least not physically. Emotionally, however, I'm bushed.

No. Literally. Bushed. BUSHED. As in George Dubya. That's right. Master and I are in knee deep. Mucking through the bullshit and mire caused by George Dubya's lovely action plans regarding travel in this United States. And as we wade, we have discovered that we have PATIENCE.

What? What's that, you say? "Patience is a virtue" ??? Seriously? I call bullshit on this. For this one occasion I'd like to at least point out that traveling to any other country in the world does not call for restrictions against anything you've done wrong ever ever ever... EXCEPT the United States. United, my ass. But that's another story for another day.

OK. Venting notwithstanding, I must add that I am reeling from the email this morning. I am really going to have to find a nice way of insulting that lovely woman whilst thanking her for her services when this is all done and overwith. In the meantime, jam out on this...

That's right. Halloween is right around the bend. And I will say it now. GODDAMMIT nobody but NOBODY is gonna mess with my Halloween festivities. Mabon is so very soon and we are readying ourselves for that, but me... I'm DEFINITELY onto the Halloween stuff. Oh yeah. My favorite holiday. What's the catch? Well, it's another Halloween without my Master present.

Speaking of Master, He is fine and dandy, albeit a bit pissy with the lovely lady I mentioned earlier. But I digress...

Halloween, Samhain, this is simply my most favorite holiday of every year. Being a witch means it is the end and a beginning all in one. Isn't that interesting... technically I get two New Year's. Too bad I'm not Chinese, then I'd have three. :P

Nuff said. Let's get on with the show.

I'm not THAT good. Not enough patience. Besides the fact it would scare the bejesus out of my kid. So let's try one of these?

That's more my speed.

Hasta! Have a wonderful September. Don't let "The Man" (or the bitchy woman - haha) get you down!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chasing the Sunset

There is nothing quite like heading westward on a plane around sunset. It's the longest sunset you will ever have! A five hour flight starting just before sunset made the sun go down for a long time. It took a couple of hours to watch - YES HOURS!!! 

Now, I love sunsets. But even I have entirely too much time on my hands to ruminate if I am relegated to being pinned in a seat for five hours watching out the window. There are only so many airplane peanuts one might consume, only so many crosswords one might puzzle through, only so much sleep one can get with the screaming children nearby. I slept an hour, worked puzzles, tried to keep my mind busy and my mouth shut. A brief visit with my neighbor revealed that a) he had a cold (oh no) and b) he was heading to the same destination as I. (Oh joy, to be locked near another body who has an illness for so long!)

Once all that was done I found that I had a lot of time to think.  Goodness! I better give you some background!

I... am a slave. I find absolute peace in my servitude. 

My Master hasn't been able to relocate yet but he will. For the most part we are together on Skype all day long. Skype is a wonderful program that allows folks to visit in groups as if everyone is on a party line phone call. Skype also allows two people to visit with the use of camera as well as sound.

But I digress. I'm my Master's kajira. I am His belonging. When we finally come to be together in the same household, things will be much easier for everyone involved with His loving guidance. In the meantime, we work on my ever expanding peace as I learn my servitude long distance. I was born to serve. I am a natural slave. It is me, pure and simple. Master sees slavery as an art, the higher art being that of a kajira. Master says that I hold the natural ability to not only serve as a slave, but as a kajira. What a compliment!

Before I say one more word I better explain two things:
1 -- Regrettably, for those folks out there who are also into this lifestyle, I know you see the capital "I" --- but my grammar and English teachers beat proper spelling, punctuation and basic grammar into me at a very young age. If I put a small case i when I'm referring to myself it's going to drive me nuts. Master understands that and He is amused. Master is fine with this, therefore please do not be offended by the use of a capital I.
2 -- It is unfortunate that so many people are so intolerant of others. I do not care that you may not understand my lifestyle. This is my choice. No one forced me into it. Rather, it is not a choice but it is who I am. I am a slave. If you were to approach me on the street you would never know. If you were to approach me at work, you would never know. If you were to try to force your will upon me you would find that you are seriously outmatched. 

The reality is, I serve ONE Master. He knows who He is. *happy smile*

If you happen to be chasing the sunset when you are a kajira and that means you are leaving your Master behind, then you are probably taking a slow trip to hell while you await your Master's relocation. *sigh* Que sirrah, sirrah. In the long five hour flight further and further away, a good kajira may discover that she has trouble with quieting her mind. Mine is only quiet in the presence of my Master. My Master is like deep water. Perhaps he is more like the dark loamy soil found in a mountain meadow, or clouds passing effortlessly through the night sky. However you wish to look at it, though I have a deep love of flying I should like to only be flying to see Him. I cannot wait for him to join me finally!

Then I shall be complete.

Getting Started

I had not intended to start this blog tonight, and yet here I am.Not even really sure where to start haha! Blogging has its perks I am sure; however, it seems that perhaps I more enjoy reading them than writing them (especially with an audience, whence comes indecision and a few insecurities

To break the ice, I shall start with places to shop:
If I were to start with witchery supplies then I would direct you to the following:
Besoms - Broomchick on Etsy ---

Ideas: smudge fans -

Anything of wicca or pagan origin that you need really quickly -

There are oodles of really neat places & links for both witchery & BDSM and I'm sure you are thinking, "What a really strange combination!" Just bear with me as I eke my way along this new ragged path.

I love energy work, calling the wind, the peace within my servitude to my Master, herbal healing and the darkness within us all. I recently met my Spirit Animal and oddly enough it is a nameless white tiger - literally faceless with a skull in place of a regular head. The thing glowed with an ethereal light!

OK. I think that's enough for starting... This is vague, disjointed, jumping around and I am a bit disconcerted at my nervousness!

At any rate, this isn't much, but it will do for now. *wink*