Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"How did you know the person you serve was the one you could surrender to?"

Interest: From day one he was interested in everything about me. He paid attention to little details, tiny things missed by everyone else but me. He even noticed things that I didn't and I'm pretty sensitive about details.

Love: We didn't mean to fall in love. We weren't looking for a partner. He had been free for a while and had just come out of a time of intense self-examination and healing. I was in a dead relationship and the end was occurring. Love came as a surprise, a delight, a fear, a shock and with a sense of awe and wonder as I realized I finally found my life-mate.

Consistent: Always the same "good night," not missing a word or a night. Always the same "good morning," not missing a word or a morning. There are several sentences to each and he never misses a single word or a single day. Talk about consistent! I kept waiting for him to stop doing it, for me to gradually to fade to the background and become less important to him as he got comfortable (like all the others did.) I figured eventually he'd take me for granted, thinking I would always be here. But no. He is consistent in everything he does.

Patience. From the beginning he was supremely patient with me and all my little quirks, never losing his temper or blowing me off or telling me that I was somehow a lesser being for emotions or being a woman. It is not a statement of equality, oh no. It is a statement that those things mean something to him, that they are important things to him too. He does not yell at me, call me names, demean me or lose his temper. If he is at the point he needs to cool off, he tells me he loves me and takes a walk. But he ALWAYS comes back and we fix whatever it is.

Guidance: He takes it upon himself to then help fix those things that cause me problems, whether they are inner being issues or outside of myself. He guides me so that I may fix them.

Abandonment. There isn't any. Ever. He will never leave me. He will never replace me with another woman, a car or motorcycle, the television, alcohol or drugs, or anything else. I am the most important possession he has, and he makes me feel incredibly special. This is HUGE.

Trust. Now this one is on me. The man has never done one thing to make me distrust him. Not one thing. My trust issues stem from a lifetime of betrayals from people I was supposed to be able to trust. It will take me time and probably his actual physical presence in my life to get there. I know it will come. It is the last hurdle and I am the one who must leap it. I will get there! This is one man who will not betray me. He will never replace me with anything else. I am a prized possession and I love being his belonging, his favorite toy, his lover, his wife, his friend, his slave.

Je t'adore, MaƮtre!