Thursday, September 20, 2012


It is no secret that autumn is my favorite time of the year. Well, I think everyone knew except me. This past two years with Master has given me time for deep introspection and I have finally noticed that at the advent of autumn, my energy spikes, suddenly I have the urge to go out and explore, I feel jubilant and full of restless energy daily. There is a sparkle in my eye and a hop in my step, and I feel full of mischief. In short, if you've seen a young colt out in a field before a storm kicking up his heels and running about, that embodies how I feel when autumn begins.

I'm not sure what it could possibly be in the air that brings about such a change in me, but it is certainly welcome this year. After a full two years of anguish and interior pain, it is high time that I feel better! I have felt as if I were on autopilot, disengaged from life, disconnected from all positive feelings & emotion, and antisocial towards everyone around me. I don't even remember if I had such feelings last year in the autumn, but I think that's when I took my son out hiking. 

This year I am considering a zombie run. Yes, you heard me correctly. I haven't brought this up with Master yet, and I haven't discussed the idea with my son yet, but I think we would have a lot of fun if we joined the 1 mile zombie walk this year. I had not heard of it before, but I've yearned to be part of such a thing and this one benefits cancer research so it would be good for not just us, but for society. Imagine! My son and I dressed in full zombie costume and makeup, dragging ourselves with moans and groans and a whole host of other zombies to a finish line! It isn't the point to finish first... it is a point to just walk in costume with others! The benefit to others is icing on the cake!

You see, my son told me that at 13, he is having nothing to do with Trick-or-Treating this year. He's "too old." *eye roll* After my eye roll, I must acquiesce and I think to myself, "Okay, so what do teenagers do for Halloween?" My answer, of course, was that they do nothing but get into trouble and cause trouble. Toilet papering houses is no fun when cleanup is involved. 

I think I shall make a list of things I want to do before I die. One of those things is to participate in a zombie walk. !

Let's see what Master thinks of all of this. Hehe.

As for the rest of the energy, well that walk isn't for a month so I shall have to go up and see the changing colors of the autumn leaves and perhaps hike a bit. That will certainly help!

May autumn blessings be upon you!