Tuesday, March 20, 2012

High maintenance or being transparent?

Yes, I know. Three posts in one day. What can I say other than I'm talkative and full of thought today?

So I just read this article: http://www.submissiveguide.com/2012/02/i-dont-want-to-complain-too-much/ and I have to say it hit home in more ways than one as this is something I have wrestled with in my own head quite a bit.

I've been told I'm high maintenance before, but Master says I am not. He says that, in fact, I make it easy. When I understand this fully, I'll be sure to let you know. Until then, rumination and self-dissection will likely continue.

In the article, the slave tells that she's been trained to tell her Master everything, even if it's merely that she has a headache. She says her dominant calls it being "transparent" - and it means that he wishes to know everything. Everything in her head, everything going on with her, everything happening in her body. In fact, her dominant feels that if she doesn't tell him something, then she is violating the rule of transparency. Because my Master is much the same way in wanting to know everything going on in my head rather than having me be merely a service "animal," I THINK... my Master is asking me to be transparent as well?

At the end of the article, she puts several very good questions. Some of these I might be able to answer, others I will have to discuss with my Sir. It is quite possible that I may have to mull some of this over in my Rubik's Cube before I decide one way or another on the subject

Her questions: 
Do you think you complain too much? Does your Dominant think so? Does this make you a high maintenance submissive? How do you handle complaints in your relationship?

My answers:
I think there are days I do complain too much. Other days I find myself being stoic or too busy before I finally remember to say something. With the combination, I personally feel that I am, indeed, a high maintenance submissive. Oddly enough, I can't remember any complaints in our relationship. No really. We have discussions, but He doesn't complain. He's the one in charge here.

I cannot imagine a dominant of any sort wishing to know much more than what oil he prefers to have rubbed into his feet. My Master is not like that. He is an enigma. He seems to want to know everything in my head. My question is, where do I stop blathering in His ear, if ever? I'm sure He'll let me know. :D